
Our consulting services are comprehensive and tailored to your needs. To get started, schedule an initial free consultation with us to receive a personalized offer afterward. The initial meeting lasts 30 minutes and will be conducted online.

Our experience shows that consulting services are particularly booked for the following topics:

  1. Building Simulated Learning Environments: From the demo room to the simulation environment that meets the learner's needs. We assist you in designing and setting up realistic simulation environments that reflect the specific requirements of your professional practice.
  2. Equipment for Teaching in Simulated Environments: We support you in selecting and implementing simulation devices and technologies necessary for effective training and realistic assessments in simulated learning environments.
  3. Needs Analysis: Through thorough needs analysis, we identify your individual learning requirements and develop customized solutions tailored to the needs of your team.
  4. Curriculum Development: Together with you, we create curricula and training materials aimed at promoting relevant competencies in the field of simulation learning in your area.
  5. Fidelity (Realism) in Simulations: We advise you on the selection and use of simulation models and technologies to optimize your simulations and ensure immersive, realistic learning experiences.
  6. Scenario Development: We assist you in developing advanced and case-based scenarios based on real situations, exemplarily supporting the practical training of your learners.
  7. Examinations in Simulated Environments: We assist you in developing examination scenarios and checklists that align with the examination objectives. We prepare your examiners for the exams.
  8. Working with Simulation Personnel: It doesn't always have to be the high-fidelity simulator. We assist you in selecting and training simulated participants using a well-founded role script.

Our goal is to support you in realizing the full potential of simulation learning for your needs and ensuring effective and efficient education. We provide you with simple and creative solutions for successful and impactful simulation learning!